
This page is for the temporary retention of some notices and longer-term retention of  information of more lasting relevance.
Club Monthly Meetings
We are very happy to announce that Club Meetings will re-commence on 3 August when our demonstrator will be Tony Kitchen. Demonstrators have also been booked for the September, October and November meetings. For details please view in "Events" section.
We look forward to meeting all members and visitors again after a long break.

December Club Meeting
The December meeting will be a "Sharpening Evening" comprising demonstrations of various systems and discussions to assist members in getting the best out of their tools. A Robert Sorby knife sharpening jig will also be available so bring along your blunt kitchen knives, There will be a charge of £1 each with proceeds going to club funds.

Club Monthly Meetings
Our last Club Meeting was held in February 2020.
It had been arranged that the Club Meetings would resume on 6th July with a demonstration by the very popular and talented professional Richard Findley. However, due to the Covid restrictions being further extended it is no longer possible to hold this event. Details will be posted when meetings will be able to resume.

May Club Meeting
Members please note that Andrew Hall and Richard Findley have swapped dates for the May and June demonstrations. Richard will therefore be at the club on May 7th with Andrew visiting on June 4th.

Forthcoming events of interest
15 June 2019- Snainton Woodworking Supplies - Demonstration by Sue Harker.
12-14 July 2019 - Woodfest Country Show at Caerwys, North Wales.
10 August 2019 - Snainton Woodworking Supplies Open day.
15-17 November 2019- North of England Woodworking Show at Harrogate.
See calender for further details.
2018 Eriba Cup
The entries for the Eriba Cup competition for 2018 were judged at the October Club meeting by Sue Harker, the demonstrator for the evening and was awarded to Graham Brooks.
The entry can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

2018 AWGB Seminar
The 16th Annual Woodturning Seminar is being held at Yarnfield Park Training and Conference Centre on 5-7 October. For all details visit

2018 Monthly Demonstrations
Please refer to "Events" page for a list of demonstrators for 2018.

January 2019 Club Meeting

Please note that there will be no January Club Meeting as our regular date falls on a Bank Holiday. Unfortunately due to the regular use of our venue no other suitable dates are available in January. 
Cheshire Guild of Woodturners
An all day demonstration by Les Thorne is being held on 14th April 2018.
Venue - Plumley Village hall WA16 0TR. 4 miles from Knutsford and 3 miles off M6
For tickets, contact Lesley Sercombe at
Price - £12 in advance - £15 on the door.

April AGM.

The following new officer were appointed at the April AGM
Chairman - Eric Webster
Vice Chairman- Graham Gregson
Secretary - Graham Coe
Treasurer - Nick Pike

April AGM.
The club's AGM will be held on 3rd April. Members are reminded that a number of key committee member positions are up for re-election and are urged to volunteer to fill these posts otherwise the club will be unable function effectively. To view the 2017 AGM Minutes and the Agenda for 2018 AGM please refer to "Documents" page.

December 2017 club meeting
At the December meeting - club member Graham Brooks demonstrated a method for turning a sphere free hand using mathematical calculations. A copy of his guide can be found on the "gallery" page along with a selection of his other work.

September Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the September competition and awarded the  Eriba Cup was Chris Redfearn who also gained 3rd place. 2nd place was Graham Brooks. see "Gallery for photo of the entries.

Monthly Club Competitions
To allow members additional time to prepare items for the competition, briefs will be published on a 3 month rolling basis as follows:
September - A Quaich (a Scottish drinking vessel with 2 handles) The Eriba Cup will be awarded to the winner.
October- A wooded puzzle which must be made specifically for the competition and not from recycled material.

July Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the July competition was Chris Redfearn, 2nd place was awarded to Eric Webster. see "Gallery for photo of the entries.

August Competition 

The brief for the August competition is to make a natural edged bowl Minimum dia. of 6"

Cheshire & North Wales Woodturners Association

The association's 30th Anniversary celebration is being held on Sat 2nd September at the Memorial Hall, Sychdyn, Flintshire fron 10am to 4.30pm when Margaret Garrard will be demonstrating. Tickets incl. lunch tea/coffee during the day £10. For details visit

August Monthly Club Competition Results

The winner of the August competition was Graham Brooks, 2nd place was awarded to Phil Jackman, 3rd place Dave Robins. see "Gallery for photo of the entries.

St Ives summer display

Please refer to "Events" page for details of the summer display and sales at the St Ives visitor centre from 19th July to 16th August.
June Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the June competition was Clifford Clark who was also awarded 2nd place. Winner of the beginner/junior class was Ed Mitchell. see "Gallery for photo of the entries.

July Competition 

The brief for the July competition is to make a spoon with the emphasis on ingenuity. 

May Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the May competition was Phil Jackman, see "Gallery for photo of the entry.

June Monthly Club Competition 
The brief for the June competition is to make a Spinning top. A cash prize will be awarded to the best entry  and best beginner/junior.

June Monthly Meeting
Bob Neil will be demonstrating his Pyrography skills at the June meeting. He will be bringing along a number of machines for members to use and is encouraging members to bring their own, together with any items they may wish to embellish.

Members are also reminded that the Club's library of DVD's are available to purchase for £5 each.

April Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the April competition was Clifford Clarke, 2nd Peter Hendry, 3rd Chris Battersby. The Junior section winner was Tom Keighley.

 Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

March Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the March competition was Graham Brooks, also awarded 2nd and 3rd place. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

April Club Competition
The brief for the April competition is to  turn a Bowl. Prize money will be awarded as follows:
£10 - first prize
£5   - 2nd prize

£5   - best beginner/junior
Annual General Meeting - April 4th
Members are reminded that the following Committee Member positions are to be elected at the AGM.
2 Year appointments
Membership Seretary
Newsletter Editor
1 year appointments
Deputy Chairman
3 Ordinary Members

Prior to the AGM members are encouraged to read "How to Kill a Group" in the "Documents" page
Supplier of Pen Kits
The Club has been contacted by PenKitsDirect offering to supply Club members with high quality Kits. Website details

Club Formation in 1989

Darrell Rushworth is one of the Club's founding members and has kindly provided some documents relating to the birth of the Club in 1989. View the "Gallery" page, for a photo of the Club formation group as appeared in the Telegraph and Argus in May 1989 (Darrell front right) together with a copy of a letter sent to the AWGB with details of the first Club meeting.

February Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the February competition was Graham Brooks, 2nd Phil Jackman, 3rd Graham Brooks. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

March Club Competition

The brief for the March competition is to  turn an ornate Box of any shape and size.

Timber Supplies
 For Woodturning timber supplies see "Links" page to Smyth Timber Supplies and Duffield Timber.
January Monthly Club Competition Results
The winner of the special January competition was Phil Jackman winning £30, 2nd Nick Pike - £20, 3rd Dave Robbins - £10. As usual, photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

February Club Competition
The brief for the February competition is to  turn a Flower or Flowers.
Monthly Club Competition 
 No competition for December as it's Christmas Party time.
There is no brief for the January competition. Any item in shape or size can be submitted with the following prize money. 1st £30, 2nd £20, 3rd £10.

November Monthly Club Competition

The winner of the November competition was Graham Brooks, 2nd Phil Jackman, 3rd Graham Brooks. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.
November Monthly Club Competition brief
The brief for the November competition is to make a box, max dimensions 3" x 3", from a singe piece of wood with 2 or more colours e.g Yew, Laburnum.

October Monthly Club Competition

The winner of the October competition was Chris Battersby with his entry of a Hollowing jig with Laser pen, 2nd also was Chris with a Jig for creating Spheres, 3rd place Peter Hendry with his entry of a Skew sharpening jig. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

The Worshipful Company of Woodturners Competition
See June Newsletter for details

Wizardry in Wood Exhibition 12-15 October 

See details in "Newsletters" Page
October Monthly Club Competition brief
The brief for the October competition is to bring along a Tool, Jig or implement that provides an improvement to Woodturning.

September Monthly Club Competition
The winner and runner up of the September competition was Peter Hendry, 3rd place Dennis Oldfield. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

 2016 Eriba Cup 
The  competition was judged at the September meeting by Sue Harker, professional demonstrator for the evening. The winner was Dennis Oldfield with his entry of a vintage style table lamp considered to be of outstanding quality by Sue. See Gallery for photo.

August Monthly Club Competition
The winner of the August Club competition was Graham Brooks, runner up Terry Jones, 3rd Peter Hendry.  Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.

September Monthly Club Competition brief
The brief for the Sept club competition is to make a hollow form of any size but with wall thickness 5mm or less.

"Hands-on" Demonstration  6 August

Amongst the many activities at the Club Hands-on day, Peter Hendry demonstrated how to make Puppets. Refer to the "Gallery" page for photos.
Report from Club visit to Woodfest Wales 23/24/25 June
As in previous years club members attended Woodfest Wales. A full report can be viewed in the Newsletter section within the "Documents" page.

St Ives Visitor Centre summer display 

The club will be at the St Ives visitor centre from 20 July to 17 August with a display and sale of members work. Members wishing to sell any of their work should go along on 17th July when the display will be set up. Volunteers from club members are also required to be on duty at the centre for the duration of the display. Please contact Mick Watmough on 01274 416319
July Monthly Club Competition

The winner of the July Club competition was Chris Redfearn, runner up Chris Battersby with Graham Brook highly commended for originality. Photos of these entries can be viewed on the "Gallery" page.
June Monthly Club Competition
The winner of the June Club competition was Chris Redfearn. Peter Hendry was the runner up.Photos of monthly competition entries will soon be available on the "Gallery" page.

2016 Membership Fees
A polite reminder that Membership Fees for 2016 are now due and should be paid at or before the next Club meeting.

AGM -Election of Committee Members
The following positions are up for re-election at the Club AGM to be held on 5 April

2 Year appointment
Deputy Chairperson 
Speaker Organiser
Exhibitions Organiser
Newsletter Editor
1 Year Appointment
3 Ordinary members
Please forward nominations to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM

Club Demonstations
The club will be demonstrating at the following venues:
6 June - Prince of Wales Park Bingley
27 June - Woodfest Wales
27 June - Eldwick Gala
12 July - Heaton Trust Show
19 July - St Ives Visitor Centre Demonstartion, Display and Sales -10am - 3pm
8/12/15/18/22 July - St Ives Visitor - Display and Sales only 11am - 3pm

Sheffield Woodturning Club
Full Day demonstration by Simon Hope on Saturday 16 May 2015 at Woodlane Countryside Centre Stannington Sheffield S6 5HE. Tickets £15 including all day refreshments and lunch. Phone Lesley on 0114 2302511 or e-mail for further details

Woodworkers Institute York
York 2 event  Saturday 18 July 2015 at Joseph Rowntree School - Tickets £10. Itinerary to be confirmed. Tony Wison demonstrating. Buffet lunch included.

Eldwick Gala 27 June
Assistance from Club members would be appreciated on the club stand, particularly in setting up and taking down the Gazebo. Anyone able to help, please call Peter Dawson Tel: 01132675799 for details.

7 January 2015   Invitation to participate in product trials
Following a contact made at the Harrogate Show, we have received the following email from a supplier of tools and adhesives: 
"We are looking for a club such as yours to find two or three members to trial some of our product and give us their feedback, there is no push on time we only require honest answers on the results. I’m confident we have a very good quality product and I’m sure your members would be pleased with the results. There is one product in particular that we are very keen to get feedback on and that is our Pen Armour which is a CA based finish for small turnings such as pens. As you will be aware there is an art to applying CA as a finish so we are looking for someone with experience in that area.
If you are happy to trial our range we will supply you with all the products for the trials and if you are happy with the product quality would like you to consider endorsing CA-UK as a club. This would benefit us both in the fact that we get our product endorsed by a recognised organisation and the club will get media exposure from our advertising and press releases, also we can arrange to supply your club direct at a heavily discounted price for your participation."

For details of the products involved see  website.

Anyone interested in taking part please email Steve Griffiths with your particular interest on  no later than Monday 12th January. If there is much demand it may have to be first come, first served.

7 January 2015   Advance Notice of Elections at the 2015 AGM 
The following two-year posts are scheduled for election in April: Deputy Chairman, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, and Librarian.
There will also be elections for Secretary and Newsletter Editor as the current incumbents are standing down.
The following one-year posts are scheduled for election in April: Three ordinary members.
At the same time volunteers will be needed to fill the positions of Equipment Manager and Assistants, and Audio-Visual Operator and Assistants.
We need a fully functioning Committee to manage our affairs so members are urged to consider standing for election for the above posts.

7 January 2015   January Competition Results
Three mortars and pestles were entered. They were judged by Chris Redfearn, who awarded first place to Roger Mawson, and second to Peter Hendry. Medals were unavailable and will be presented later.
The subject for the February competition is a GOBLET, with maximum dimensions 6” tall and 2” diameter.

29 November 2014 Tools and equipment for sale
We have received the following email and list of tools and equipment for sale.

Hi there,
Just a quick line with some woodturning tools and machinery we have for sale. Please could you forward this email onto your members or take a copy to your next meeting and if any of the members are interested we can forward on more information and pictures to them via email.
We can be contacted on or or our mobile is 07582349546.
Tools and Machinery list for sale is below.

Happy turning, Kind Regards, Alex 

Everything below has been recreated as far as possible following a glitch on 5th Dec that deleted all the original content - we apologise for any omissions and differences.
29 November 2014 Club meetings for 2015 now on events calendar
Because members are not very forthcoming at volunteering to do demos, we have an additional professional demo next year. 

5 November 2014   New Shop Discount Scheme for WRWG Members
Details of this new scheme from Olives Woodturning are given on the Shop Discount Schemes bulletin under Club Documents. To take advantage of it, members must quote an authenticating code when placing their order: this code is available on request from the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.

 5 November 2014   November Competition Results
Ten platters were entered. They were judged by Ian Taylor, who awarded first place to Chris Battersby, and second to Keith Atkinson.
The subject for the January competition is a pestle and mortar.  
Mortar maximum dimensions are 4” tall and 4” diameter, with the pestle of length between 6” & 7” and of an appropriate diameter. 

22 October 2014   First-ever issue of newsletter available
Founder-member Nik Harty has sent us a copy of the first club newsletter, dating from 1995, which can be found under the Documents tab. He also sent a generous donation of £30 for club funds, for which we are very grateful.

9 October 2014     October Competition Results
Seven lidded boxes were entered,  and were judged by David Wortley. First place went to Keith Potts and second to Phil Jakeman. 
It would be nice if someone could send a photo of the entries to the webmaster for inclusion in the gallery (along with photos of previous competition entries) but if the results of previous requests for photos are a guide, expectations of this occurring are very low indeed..
The subject for November is a PLATTER, not more than 1.50" high and 8.00" diameter.

14 September 2014   Monthly Competition Specifications - from Mike Briggs 
The August competition attracted a very pleasing entry of 18 bowls. David Ossitt and David Moon were the judges, awarding winner to Bob Chapman, with runner-up Cliff Clarke. Several entries were submitted that did not conform to the size specified at the July meeting, i.e. maximum 6” in diameter and 2” high, and would have been disqualified had it not been for an error in the July newsletter, where the maximum height limit was omitted. This unfortunately produced some entries somewhat larger than intended, potentially disadvantaging those which conformed to the requirements. 
The idea of setting dimensional specifications is to ensure that all entries are comparable and so easier and fairer to judge, removing any possible bias in comparing large pieces against small ones. 
The specifications for the competitions are announced at club meetings, and these are the ones that will be enforced in future. The use of specifications given after the meeting that are misleading, incomplete or incorrect through no fault of the organiser will not be accepted as an excuse. There will always be at least two dimensions given for each competition entry, and if you are aware of only one, or are unsure about any aspect of the specifications, then you should check on the club website, or contact the organiser, Mike Briggs, who will put you right.
Dimensions will usually be in the form of maximum sizes, so that anything up to but not exceeding those sizes is acceptable. If a maximum dimension is, for example, 6”, and your piece is 6.01”, it will be disqualified, otherwise where does the tolerance stop? If 6.01” is allowed then why not 6.02”, and so on forever. There is no point in having specifications if they can be ignored.
All entries that do not meet the specifications will be disqualified in future. If your entry is disqualified because you can’t be bothered to measure it, or think it’ll be OK because it’s only a fraction too big, it is nobody’s fault but your own. If you have been misinformed, take it up with your informant, not the organiser.

3 September 2014     September Competition Results
Nine stemmed vases qualified for entry, and were judged by Sue Harker's companion Graham. First place went to Chris Battersby and second to Steve Griffiths. Two other vases were disqualified for exceeding the specified size.
The subject for October is a LIDDED BOX, not more than 4" high and 2.5" diameter.

6 August 2014     August Competition Results
Eighteen bowls were judged by David Ossitt and David Moon, who awarded first place to Bob Chapman and second to Cliff Clarke. As a result of an incomplete specification being published in the newsletter, several bowls were outside the announced limits, but in the circumstances were allowed to compete. This will not be taken as a precedent, and in future, any entries not conforming to the specification WILL be disqualified.The subject for September is a STEMMED VASE, not more than 6" high and 3" diameter.

6 August 2014     St. Ives Summer Series Complete
Over the three weeks of these events, sales exceeded £500, with only five members submitting work. The club has decided to add a small donation to the commission paid to The Friends of St. Ives, and a cheque for £75 has been delivered.
Thanks are due to those members who gave up their time to man the stall and participate in the demo, and to the staff at the Visitor Centre for helping to make the occasion so enjoyable.

3 July 2014     July Competition Results
A healthy entry of ten apples was judged by the evening's demonstrator, Margaret Garrard. First prize went to Chris Redfearn, with David Wortley coming second. If anyone has a good photo of all the entries it would be nice to put it on the gallery - email it to - but first please read Website Guidelines under Hints and Tips in Documents.
The subject for August is a BOWL, not more than 6" diameter and 2" high.

7 June 2014     June Competition Results
The first run of this new monthly competition attracted a pleasing fifteen entries, and Mike Briggs is to be commended for coming up with what promises to be a popular format.
The winning eggcup was made by Keith Ruddlesden, with the runner-up by Reg Watson.
The subject for July is an APPLE, not to exceed 3" in any dimension (excluding stalk, if fitted)

1 June 2014     Notices Omitted from the May Newsletter
The following proceedings at the May meeting were omitted from the Newsletter

The Chairman appealed for members to come forward and stand for election as Deputy Chairman, a post unfilled at the AGM. The club cannot run without volunteers taking up positions of responsibility, so it is in every member’s interest to ensure that all such are filled.

The club is again demonstrating at the Clayton West Scout Gala on Sunday 15th June, setting up from 09:00, at The Scout Hut, Wakefield Road, Clayton West, Huddersfield HD8 9PU. Details from Eric Webster.

The Chairman requested members not to hold conversations during demonstrations. This practice is disrespectful to the demonstrator and interferes with other members’ enjoyment of the demonstration.

Tea and coffee would be available in the kitchen during the break, by courtesy of Barbara Webster.

Some holly wood was likely to be available soon; if interested contact Ieuan Roberts on 01535 656252 or email

Club Website -

The website continues to evolve, and the problem reported in the February newsletter appears to have been fixed.
There has been a very disappointing response to the request made in the last newsletter for pictures of members’ work – i.e. none! Is everyone too shy? Anyone looking at the website must think we are a club of armchair turners who never produce anything worth looking at, so let’s have something, please. Email your pictures to - but first please read Website Guidelines under Hints and Tips in Documents.

New Monthly Competition.

See earlier notice dated 6 May 2014

St. Ives 2014

As last year, two series of events are to be held at the St. Ives Estate Visitor Centre in Bingley. As may be recalled, the sales at this venue in 2013 were astonishingly good - £345 in summer and a further £1077 running up to Christmas, with buyers seemingly prepared to pay sensible prices, for a change. Once again 10% of sale prices will be deducted and donated to the Visitor Centre.
In summer the events are in July, starting Wed 9th (10am for setup), Sat 12th, Wed 16th, Sat 19th, Sun 20th (10am start for demonstration), Wed 23rd, and ending Sat 26th. The pre-Christmas series starts in November, on Wed 26th (10am for setup), Sat 29th, Wed 3rd December, Sat 6th, Sun 7th (10am start for demonstration), Wed 10th, and ends on Sat 13th.
Apart from the demo days, the centre is open from 11am until 3pm. Volunteers – complete with their club badges – will be needed to man the stand, so a roster will be set up with allocations of two-hour slots – 11am to 1pm, and 1pm to 3pm. On demo days there will be an early slot from 10am to 11am to fill. Anyone prepared to volunteer please contact Steve Griffiths – phone 01274 809010 or email

6 May 2014     New Monthly Competition Announced
Following the decision taken at the AGM, a new competition open to all members.has been devised by Mike Briggs. It is hoped that members will enter into the spirit of this and participate, and more examples of their work will be brought to meetings. Examples of members' other work  will be welcome alongside the competition entries, of course. 

All entries in a given month are to be individual interpretations of a given subject, and the simple rules follow:

1. The item type and other details (e.g. size) will be announced at the preceding meeting.
2. Items entered must be made in the month between announcement and competition - nothing off the shelf, please.
3. Each member may enter only one item each month.
4. Items must bear no information identifying the maker - labels and a logbook will be provided on entry.
5. There will be no competition at the April and December meetings.
For the competition on 3rd June, the item to be entered is an EGGCUP, with maximum dimensions of 3" x 2".

Judging will be by an experienced turner, and the winner will receive a small memento (non-monetary) of his success.

22 April 2014     Easier Access for Documents and Gallery
The procedure for accessing Documents and Gallery has been improved. Just click on the appropriate tab and follow the instructions on the page displayed.

2 April 2014     More Pictures Wanted for the Gallery
The first pictures have been added to the folder "Eriba Cup" under "Gallery", with access similar to that for "Documents". Hopefully, this is just the start.
Pictures of your work, or any of more general interest (but relevant to the club or to woodturning) are wanted to put in the Gallery, and should be in .jpg or.tif format. Particularly sought are pictures of entries in the Eriba Cup and other competitions over the last few years. Pictures of your or others' work should be accompanied if possible by a note of the approximate size, date of production, the wood used, and of course your name, and sent to the Webmaster, who - given time - will incorporate these in as an inset caption. Pictures of other subjects should be accompanied by a short description and your name.
Please do not send pictures that are very small or very large. Larger pictures will be cropped or re-sized as necessary.
To avoid webmaster overload, please send at most three at a time, then no more until those have been dealt with and appear in the gallery.
The webmaster reserves the right to edit any material supplied.
Important Note: By submitting an item you are affirming that it does not contravene any copyright protection and is not plagiarism, and you personally accept responsibility for any action ensuing should that not be the case, though copyrighted material may be accepted if accompanied by the copyright holder's written permission to publish it here. This constraint is necessary in order to protect the club's interests.

2 April 2014     New "Hints and Tips" folder under Documents
An additional icon under "Documents" gives access to Hints and Tips. If you have any material you think might usefully be included please send it to the Webmaster for consideration, though if it is voluminous please contact the webmaster for approval first.
Please make sure it is in one of the following formats: .doc (NOT .docx), .rtf, .txt, .xls, .jpg. .tif
The webmaster reserves the right to edit any material supplied.
Important Note: By submitting an item you are affirming that it does not contravene any copyright protection and is not plagiarism, and you personally accept responsibility for any action ensuing should that not be the case, though copyrighted material may be accepted if accompanied by the copyright holder's written permission to publish it here. This constraint is necessary in order to protect the club's interests.

1 April 2014     Results of Elections at the April AGM
All the following were elected unopposed and with no votes against.

Chairman: C. Redfearn -  Proposer: P. Hendry   Seconder: S. Griffiths
Secretary: S. Griffiths -  Proposer: R. Chapman   Seconder: R. Barraclough
Speaker Secretary: H. Bevington -  Proposer: C. Redfearn   Seconder: V. Parkes
Newsletter Editor: T. Parkes -  Proposer: T. Harrison   Seconder: R. Chapman 
Exhibitions Organiser: E. Webster -  Proposer: P. Dawson   Seconder: M. Watmough

Other Members:
Equipment Manager: I Taylor -  Proposer: C. Redfearn   Seconder: I. Roberts
Abrasive Sales: C. Clarke -  Proposer: C. Redfearn   Seconder: M. Briggs
Audio-visual Manager: P. Hendry -  Proposer: I. Roberts   Seconder: M. Briggs
Ordinary members: M. Briggs, V. Parkes, I. Roberts -  Proposer: C. Redfearn   Seconder: R. Barraclough
Raffle Coordinators: E. & B. Webster -  Proposer: P. Hendry   Seconder: S. Griffiths
Equipment Assistants: -  C. Battersby, J. Moore
Audio-visual Assistants -  H. Bevington, G. Burdon, D. Robins:

1 April 2014     2014 Eriba Cup Competition Results 
1. S. Griffiths; mushroom group in sycamore, horse chestnut and bamboo
2. I. Taylor; tall vase in sycamore
3. K. Carter, bowl in burr elm
Pictures of these items are in the Gallery